Service Agreement Plans



Are you covered by Shimadzu's world-class Preventive Maintenance Plans?

Regular instrument maintenance is of utmost importance to ensure that any potential issues due to wear and tear, are avoided and your instrument continues to run at peak performance. Shimadzu offers a variety of Preventive Maintenance and Extended Warranty plans, to help you better manage costs and minimize inconvenience.

When warranty ends, our certified engineer will make scheduled visits to do instrument checks and replace components to keep your instrument in good working conditions to avoid unplanned downtime. 

Why should I buy Preventive Maintenance Plans?


Providing The Best for Our Customers. With Shimadzu, you can be assured of our prompt and comprehensive after-sales support. Choose a plan which suits the individual needs of your laboratory: 

Preventive Maintenance Plans- All instruments



Preventive Maintenance Plans- Balance instruments




Shimadzu Singapore Preventive Maintenance Flyer - All Instruments

Shimadzu Singapore Preventive Maintenance Flyer - Balance Instruments


For more information, please contact Shimadzu Singapore at:

Phone: +65 6770 1155 I E-mail: I Website: